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Pictures of Bolivia - Bolivia Pictures


"Bolivia in Pictures"


Check out these amazing pictures of Bolivia and images that were captured by travelers.

You can find many Pictures of Bolivia all through this website along with lots of travel information about Bolivia.

These photos of Bolivia are grouped by location. You can choose any of the links that is near the photo to get more travel information on the destination, or follow the link at the bottom of each page to view more Bolivia pictures.

See below to check out the photo gallery of Bolivia pictures and many of the popular attractions around Bolivia.

See also: Photos of Bolivia Wildlife


Yungas Road - Death Road

Just outside the city of La Paz is the Yungas Road, also known as Death Road and the World's Most Dangerous Road

World's Most Dangerous Road - Death Road - Yungas Road - Bolivia


World's Most Dangerous Road - Death Road - Yungas Road - Bolivia, South America - Dangerous RoadWorld's Most Dangerous Road - Death Road - Yungas Road - Bolivia

Yungas road earned its reputation because it has the highest death toll per year than any other road in the world.

You can find more information and photos on Death Road on the Yungas Road page.



Lake Titicaca

Lake Titicaca sits at a breathless altitude of 12,500 feet (3810 meters) above sea level in the Andean Mountain range. Lago Titicaca borders both Peru and Bolivia. This majestic lake is one of the highest lakes in the world and is the largest freshwater lake in South America.

The lake was once home to the great Inca empire. Evidence of ancient Inca ruins can be seen all over Titicaca, especially on an island called Isla del Sol. There are also several other islands on the lake that contain Inca ruins.

Ferry carrying vehicles across a channel on Lake Titicaca - Bolivia



Copacabana, Bolvia

Copacabana is a town that sits on a peninsula on the southern shores of Lake Titicaca. Copacabana is a popular place for travelers to stop over for a few days and explore the different Inca ruins around the lake. See Photos below.

Nightfall in Copacabana, Bolivia

Copacabana Bolivia night-time

Arriving into Copacabana

Copacabana Bolivia - Lake Titicaca - South America

Copacabana beach and harbor

Copacabana Bolivia Beach Harbor



Tiwanaku Photos & Pictures


Tiahuanaco (Tiwanaku) is an ancient city that consist of pre-Inca ruins that archaeologists believe were built before the birth of Christ. It is one of the most fascinating places to visit. The ruins are located near Lake Titicaca, about 45 miles (72km) west of La Paz along paved roads.


Tiwanaku - Tiahuanaco - gateway of the sun - puerta del sol - Bolivia, South America
Tiahuanaco - Tiwanaku - Bolivia South America


Tiwanaku was once the cradel of Andean civilization, its cultural had an enormous impact throughout the region and though the society that built it disappeared many centuries before the first Europeans arrived, the civilization provided the fundamental inspiration for the better-known Inca empire.